Celebrating the arts in Rochester is happening even when the curtain is down at the Geva Theatre. Every Monday evening at Geva, local artists share their work with the community. 

Monday, March 27 features the inspirational photo series "Black is Beautiful.”

What You Need To Know

  • "Mondays at Geva" features the work of local artists and performers

  • The event is every Monday at Geva Theatre from 6 to 8 p.m. 

  • Adam Eaton's photo series "Black is Beautiful" will be featured on Monday, March 27

Artist and photographer Adam Eaton sees the beauty in everyone, especially the Black and brown community in Rochester.

“I just see beauty. I see regalness and royalty,” said Eaton. “I believe that now is the time for our city to really appreciate art and really to give the community something to look forward to. That’s beauty, prosperity and unity.”

Eaton's photos of everyday people mean so much. Eaton says he struggled with depression and racism and hopes the photographs inspire the community to just be better and be good to one another.

“It’s time for us to come together and give each other a chance to be successful, be heard and be seen and be loved,” said Eaton.

“One of the things I love about Adam's work is that he has a talent for photographing Black skin so beautifully,” said Rachel Deguzman, director of engagement at Geva Theatre. “We have so many brilliant artists in Rochester. ”Mondays at Geva" is a very special part of our programming now.” 

“Support the arts because arts are healing. It’s an opportunity for us to bring unity to Rochester,” said Eaton.

You're invited to see the "Black is Beautiful" photo series and other local artist exhibits every Monday at Geva Theatre from 6 to 8 p.m. The event is free and open to the public.